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Chart Advanced Options

This demo illustrates how to take advantage of advanced options to configure your chart exactly the way you'd like. Charts in the Standard module have a great number of options that you can use to have a better visual and performance experience. You can use the demo app below to configure text style, series labels, and series general options. The easy-to-follow Javascript code illustrate how it's done.

If you'd like to see the demo in full screen click here

Review the complete source code and copy/paste it to create your own.
{"action": "import", "url": "../cf-demos/advanced-chart-options/index.html"}
{"action": "import", "url": "../cf-demos/advanced-chart-options/index.js"}
{"action": "import", "url": "../cf-demos/advanced-chart-options/style.css"}

This demo uses the Ticket Sales table which is derived from the Amazon’s Sample Database for Redshift. The data represents ticket sales activity for the fictional TICKIT web site, where users buy and sell tickets online for different types of events.