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Visualizing your data

Now that you connected to your data, it is time to visualize it. The steps are the same regardless of where your data is stored (e.g. Elasticsearch, BigQuery, Dremio, etc.). In this example, we use the Austin 311 Calls public dataset residing in Google BigQuery.

  • Select the main Studio button on the lower right corner of the dashboard to open the Data Provider dialog
  • Select the data provider you connected to. In this case, I'll select BigQuery. Refer to Connecting to your data if you have not connected to your data provider yet.
  • Navigate to Data Sources within your data provider
  • Select the source to visualize. In this example, I navigate to the bigquery-public-data data source folder, select the austin_311 dataset, and then select the 311_serice_requests table.

You should see an initial visualization similar to the one below:


Now configure the data of your chart as follows:

  • Group 1
    • Attribute: street_name
    • Limit: 10
    • Sort By: Count
    • Sort Direction: Descending
  • Metric 1
    • Name: Count

You should see a bar chart as the one below:


Now let's select Settings on the Editor's left panel to configure some settings:

  • Select Horizontal Orientation
  • Turn Labels out on
  • Set 15 for left and bottom Grid Margins. Leave the default for the other ones.

You should now see the visualization as follows:


Now let's select Color on the Editor's left panel to configure our chart's color palette:

  • Select Qualitative for Nature of your data
  • Select the last palette on the Schema list

You should now see the visualization as follows:


Finally, select the SAVE button on the top right of the editor. Now, you can add a title to your chart and resize it as needed. You should have a visualization similar to the one below:


As an exercise, add a couple of charts to your dashboard and continue to the Adding interactivity section.

Slow sources support

You may see the message below while configuring your visualization in the Editor:

  Your source is slow, enable "Manual run" for a better user experience

This means that ChartFactor Studio noticed a significant latency (beyond 3 seconds) when you select attributes, limits, sorts, and metrics and it is suggesting to use "Manual run" instead. To enable "Manual run" simply select this option at the top of the editor as shown below:


After selecting this option, you can make all your data-related changes in the Editor without ChartFactor Studio executing them immediately. You can select the "Play" button when you want the visualization to reflect all your changes as shown below.


You can go back to auto-run by selecting the "Auto-run" button as shown below.


Raw Data Table

The Raw Data Table allows you to browse through raw data as it is stored in your data engine and scroll through it infinitely. It also allows you to sort by one or many columns and even filter it by any column value.

To create a Raw Data Table visualization, select the Raw Data Table icon as shown below:


You should see a Raw Data Table similar to the one below:


From here you can do a number of things such as unchecking the columns you want to remove, relabeling the columns you want to keep, drag them around to reorder them, and specify how to sort the data. For sorting, simply expand the column options, enable sort, and specify if it is ascending or descending.

Column Filters

One of the most powerful options is Column Filters. It allows users to easily filter by any column value. You can enable column filters for all columns at once using the top right "Column filters" switch. You can also enable/disable column filters column by column by expanding columns individually and enabling/disabling their filter option.

Column Groups

You can easily create groups of columns. Simply drag a column on top of another and a column group will be created. Keep dragging more columns into your group as needed.


You can relabel your column group by simply typing a different group name. And if you want to remove a column from your group, simply drag it out of it.